展期:2023-12-16 ~ 2024-01-21
參展藝術家:楊世芝 YANG Shih-chih
Between the Controllable and Uncontrollable
The world today is somewhere between the controllable and uncontrollable. Everyone’s life is also between these two states.
I start my painting with open-ended graffiti, trying to avoid falling into old habits. By cutting up all casual strokes I have drawn on paper, I intend to re-interpret the fragments as a transformed creation. The strips all convey new energetic plasticities.
In addition to expanding the conventional strokes to a new stage, the unity of the whole has been a key facet between the controllable and the uncontrollable.
In the process of collaging my strokes, I slowly integrate the controllable and the uncontrollable at the same time. I simultaneously amalgamate the parts and the whole to achieve a new version of balance and beauty.
As a matter of fact, the words cannot be fully expressed, deeper contents can only be perceived in the paintings themselves.